Shree Limbach Mataji Jayant is the celebration of when Ma Shree Limbach Bhavani Kuldevi of all Valands (Barbers as well as Hair Dressers) appeared to her devotees. This is also known as Shree Limbach Bhavani's birthday! According to the Hindu calendar, the birthday officially falls on 8th day of the full moon of the month Chaitra, which varies with the English calendar. The event varies from communities to communities but the main focus is in the celebration of Shree Limbach Bhavani's puja (havan where possible); those taking part in puja will also offer Sukhdi and perform Arti to Shree Limbach ma for her blessings.

Shree Limbach Mataji Jayanti
March 24, 2018
Shree Limbach Mataji Jayant is the celebration of when Ma Shree Limbach Bhavani Kuldevi of all Valands (Barbers as well as Hair Dressers) appeared to her devotees. This is also known as Shree Limbach Bhavani's birthday! According to the Hindu calendar, the birthday officially falls on 8th day of the full moon of the month Chaitra, which varies with the English calendar. The event varies from communities to communities but the main focus is in the celebration of Shree Limbach Bhavani's puja (havan where possible); those taking part in puja will also offer Sukhdi and perform Arti to Shree Limbach ma for her blessings.

Shree Ram Navmi
March 25, 2018
Ram Navmi is the celebration of Bhagwan Shree Ram the divine incarnation of Lord Vishnu. According to the ancient Hindu scriptures Ram was born on 9th day of the ascending moon of the Hindu month Chaitra in the kingdom of Ayodhia. Shree Ram was the eldest son of King Dasratha of the Raghukul dynasty. King Dasratha married 3 wives Kaushalya, Sumitra and Kaikae. Kaushalia and king Dasratha had 2 children daughter Shanta (first born) and Ram. Shree Ram a highly educated and wise protector of Hindu dharam married Princess Sita of the Mithila kingdom.

August 23, 2018
Shraddh starts from 24 September 2018 and ends on 8 October 2018.
Shraddh are performed once every year during the last 15 days of the Bhadarva month when we remember our ancestors and those of our loved ones who have passed away. During the period of Shradh, Hindus generally observe an all-vegetarian diet. They offer food to a group of Brahmins after the Pitri Puja. Brahmins observe the food in silence while remembering the deceased in their prayers. Food or Prasad is also served to the poor and needy people. It is also recommended to keep a small portion of the prepared meal for cows, dogs, crows, and ants, separately.
Here are a list of Do's and don'ts to observe while you are preparing for the Shradh Pooja.
1. Use Only Cow Milk, Curd or Ghee for the Pooja and Food Preparations: In all Shradh rituals, the milk, curd (yogurt) or ghee (clarified butter) should be that of cow. A cow who has recently given birth to a calf, should not be milked.
2.Try To Offer Food in Silver Utensils: The use of silverware in Shradh rituals is regarded auspicious. Silver is believed to eradicate evil forces. Utensils made of bronze and copper are also considered auspicious.
3.Use of Barley Peas and mustard: As per Hindu belief, it is considered auspicious to use barley, Kaangani (a type of millet), peas and mustard in the Shradh pooja.
4.Sesame: Another highly auspicious ingredient is sesame. According to Hindu belief, sesame protects against evil forces and brings good luck and good fortune.
5.Kheer: A meal prepared with milk, curd, ghee and honey and kheer is often served to the priests. Kheer is an indispensable part of every Hindu ritual.
6.Meat, chicken, eggs and stale or rotten fruits or grains are should not be used for the Shradh puja and the Shradh offerings.
Rituals, prayers and offerings in name of the deceased relatives are believed to reach them instantly during this period, helping them attain peace.

October 08, 2018
Navratri festival starts from 9 October 2018 and ends on 17 October 2018.
Navratri means nine nights however, we use the word Navratri here to describe the worship of Goddess Durga in her nine avatars (forms). The festival of Navratri is held during the start of full moon in the month of Aso as per Gujarati Hindu calendar. This differs with the English calendar and the celebrations vary between the months of September and November depending on the alignments of the lunar calendar.
Supreme Mother Goddess Durga is worshipped in the form of Kali, Lakshmi and Saraswati. During Navratri the first three days of celebrations are worship to Goddess Kali who is the destroyer of all our impurities, the second three days of worship are to Goddess Lakshmi the giver of inexhaustible wealth. The last three days of Navratri are worship of Goddess Saraswati the giver of knowledge. The nine avatars of Mother Durga are: Maa Shaiputri, Mata Bhrahmacharini, Mata Chandraghanta, Mata Kushmanda, Maa Shanda Mata, Maa Katyayani, Mata Kalratri, Mata Maha Gauri, and Mata Siddhidatri.